Out of hundreds of Söfft product reviews, I am happy to say that our lowest ranking shoe has an average of 3.9 stars out of 5! I am also proud to announce that Söfft won or placed as a finalist in the Buzzillions.com Reviewers' Choice Awards for 2008. The awards are split into different categories, with regards to the personality of the consumer. *Note that these awards are NOT influenced by any sponsorship or payments. They are based solely on the product reviews of real consumers.
Category: Dress Shoes, Comfort-oriented Women
Söfft Calypso, WINNER

Category: Dress Shoes, Comfort-oriented Women
Söfft Callan, Finalist

Category: Dress Shoes, Overall for Women
Maren, Finalist

Category: Dress Shoes, Stylish Women
Söfft Calypso, WINNER

Category: Sandals, Overall for Women
Söfft Adara, Finalist

Söfft would like to thank all of our loyal customers who help spread the word about how comfortable and stylish Söfft shoes are!
My son recently got married and I needed a pair of stylish dress shoes that I could actually wear all day long. I purchased a Sofft sandal with a 2.5 inch heel. I wore these all day long and my feel felt great all day and night. Sofft has the greatest dress styles and their retails are about the best I’ve seen. This is the last pair I bought Sofft Adara
My son recently got married and I needed a pair of stylish dress shoes that I could actually wear all day long. I purchased a Sofft sandal with a 2.5 inch heel. I wore these all day long and my feel felt great all day and night. Sofft has the greatest dress styles and their retails are about the best I’ve seen. This is the last pair I bought Sofft Adara
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