Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Söfft Holiday Party Series
Part 1: Formal Party
Check out our 3-part Holiday Party Video series for tips on what shoes to wear and even how to wear it. Söfft Shoes' own fashionista, Chrissy, walks you through each video. First up, the Formal Holiday Party.
Stay tuned for the Casual Holiday Party and the Office Party segments coming up over the next couple of weeks.
Söfft Gets Some Seriously Fun Property

When Zappos told us about a limited edition Monopoly Game that they were creating, we were intrigued. Monopoly is of course one of the classic board games of our time and Zappos was doing this in the name of Charity. Proceeds from the game would be donated to the Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation. Söfft is proud and excited to have our own piece of property on the board!
The following has been taken from the Zappos Company Blog. I thought it would be fun to read about how it all happened:
Oh, what an exciting and proud day it is here at the Zappos Headquarters! The game we've been talking about for quite a while is finally here – Zappos Monopoly!
The Zappos Monopoly game board, designed by our amazingly talented Creative Services Team, is a limited edition piece and all the proceeds go towards the Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation. Some of the fun Zappos touches that were added to this ever-so-popular family game are:
* Custom Zappos.com collectors edition money
* Custom Title Deeds Cards that feature the biggest and best footwear companies
* Culture and WOW cards to replace the classic Community Chest and Chance Cards
* Traditional houses and hotels are renamed to Wish Lists and Shopping Carts (aren't we clever)
* And 6 collectible pewter tokens – Clarks Wallabee, Babydoll Pliner, Lacoste Crocodile, Converse All Star, DC Shoe Snowboard, and a Reebok Freestyle Hi
Now how many companies get to say that they have a collectors edition Monopoly game board? The answer is VERY FEW! So be proud Zapponians! And a big hooray to our Creative Service Team and Hasbro for making this come to life.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
See Söfft on ‘Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style’
Söfft was honored to be a part of BRAVO TV’s hit show, Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style. Not only is Tim Gunn a TV icon thanks to Project Runway — he is a seasoned fashion expert. So naturally, when Söfft was asked to be a part of the show – we were thrilled and flattered.
On the October 9th episode of season 2, Tim and his stylist co-host Gretta Monahan, worked with Angela to help her go from Concert Pianist to Entrepreneur Business Woman. Angela struggled with how to dress for her new part. Babydoll dresses and ill-fitting shoes were consuming in her closet!
When Tim and Gretta got a look at Angela’s shoe collection, they were shocked! Angela had simply come to the conclusion that she would never find cute, stylish shoes for her hard-to-fit wide feet. Tim and Gretta made it a special mission to prove to her that it’s just not so! There is hope. It is possible! That’s when Angela was presented with Söfft Shoes. What a delight to watch Angela’s reaction to the shoes. Her shoe collection would be forever changed.
The Söfft Shoes featured in this episode are from the Fall 2007, Fall 2008 and Spring 2008 Collection, due to the production timing of this series. Many of these styles may no longer be available. If you are interested in finding one of these styles, we recommend doing a little online shopping. There is a good chance one of our many trusted online vendors will still have some availability.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sofft Gets Rave Reviews on Running With Heels
Söfft recently joined forces with shoe blog Running With Heels to give away 4 Söfft Fall Shoes. RWH wrote a great feature on some of our hottest styles for Fall. Readers were given the chance to win one of 4 pairs of Söfft Shoes by posting a comment to the Söfft Feature Story and I must admit I was completely wowed by not only the amount of comments that were left, but the very kind words and even a few poems written about Söfft!
Without a doubt, Söfft wearers are dedicated to the brand and we couldn't be prouder to see with our own eyes how Söfft has truly helped women. Comfort is key when purchasing shoes – but so is fashion. It seems that the Söfft brand really has bridged a long ignored gap in the footwear industry and for that, women are so thankful. We as a brand and company are thankful we have the type of customers we have. We love our customers and love hearing their stories. Thank you to all 651 participants for your comments!
Thank you to Running With Heels for partnering with us for this fun promotion. And congratulations to the 4 lucky winners! The winners have been posted online at Running With Heels.
The contest is over, but you can still read the Söfft Feature Story and the amazing comments here.